Monday, July 28, 2014

The reunion at daytime

Two Price City fire trucks escorted about 30 of us down the parade route. We tossed out bags and bags of candy and picked up about 20 more alumni and friends along the way. 
We met alumni and families at the park, right in the middle of the International Days event. We handed out drinks, treats, and prizes while kids tried out the bounce house and checked out the car show. 
Becky Hurst, Mark Montoya, Holly Anderson, Chris Pugliese, Greg Heideman, Jeremy Pero, Sonja Ritchie, Billy Mitchell, Melissa Patton, Heidi Martak, Michelle Thayn, Jennifer Davis, Ryan Horsley, JB Johnson, Mika Tamllos, Nikki Lauriski, Aimee Faucheux, Tina Ekker, Kevin Pero, Niki Jewkes, Helene Brown, Cody Lupo, Heather Williams, Kristy Harrington, Lori Hobbs, Jason Howes, Jonelle Petrie, JaiLene Noone, Dolan Raby, Ron Llewelyn, Jessica Leonard, Kara Tubbs, Cory Pincock, Janice Metelko
We met Mrs. Tubbs at the high school and she showed us around Grand Canyon, the new and old gym, the hallways and classrooms, library, cafeteria, and a whole new wing we never had. 

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