Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Have you written to us yet?

It's time for us to come up with a budget, reserve a venue, choose a band (maybe!), and get our 20-year reunion on the books. We need to have a general idea of how many people are interested in attending in order to plan a fun event that fits our group perfectly. If YOU are interested in coming to the party on July 26, 2014, and you haven't done so yet, please send an email today to carbonhigh94@hotmail.com. We just need your name and email address so we can send you all the details when we've got it worked out. If you've already written to us there, we're counting you as a potential attendee so you don't need to write again (unless you want to volunteer to help pull off the event!), but we do want you to contact your friends with this message so we don't miss anybody. If you're on the "Who's Missing" page of our blog, we're just waiting to hear from you. Thanks!