Monday, July 28, 2014

Alumni Dinner at Carbon Country Club

The weather was perfect. It was warm outside, with just a little sprinkle of rain during dinner.

The Country Club ballroom was decorated really well. These photos hardly do it justice. Everything was blue, white, and cheerful. 

Dinner included prime rib and salmon with salad, rice, and roasted potatoes and cheesecake for dessert.
Darren and Alison, Rosalyn and Dave, Todd and Aimee, Helene and Andrew

Marc and Jennifer, Justin, Kelly and Tiffany, Kacie, Melissa and John

Kevin and Shanon, Bob and Danielle, Mike and Genna, Nicole and Pat

Jeremy and Kristy

Shawna and Brian

Tina, JaiLene, Jeremy and Danielle, Mariann and Kevin, Mark, Nikki, Steve and Mika

Kellie and Andy, Pat and Diana, Hans, Mark, Becky

Branden and Jessica, Michelle and Jaysen, Dennis and Traci, Mandi and Tyson, Jorge, Greg

Greg and Alicia, Becca and Craig, Michael and Janice, Trisha and Mark

Talisa and Dolan, Ron and Heather, Jason, Chris and Stephanie

Kevin and Carolyn, Erik and Kelly, Amber and Chelsey, Brian and Heather

Justin, Travis and Nicole, Stacey and Jesse, Lori (and Jason?)

Greg and Chariety

Michelle and Chris
The bar was rockin' all night, and there was dancing and socializing on the beautiful grassy patio. We had cash prizes, shout-outs from friends who couldn't make it to the party, and (if you stayed until midnight) arm wrestling battles. 

1 comment:


    Some who deny that immersion in water is essential to the forgiveness of sins claim that "for" in Acts 2:38 actually means "because of".

    Acts 2:38 Then Peter said to them, "Repent, and let everyone of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.(NKJV)

    The baptism deniers say that Acts 2:38 actually means "Repent, and let everyone of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ "because your sins have already been forgiven." That would mean repentance and water baptism follows forgiveness of sins.

    If in fact your sins are forgiven the minute you believe, then why does Acts 2:38 say you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit after repentance and water baptism? Why the delay? Why would Christians have to wait until they repented and were baptized to receive the Holy Spirit if they were already saved from the penalty of sin?

    Jesus shed His blood "for" the remission of sins. Jesus did not shed His blood "because sins were already forgiven".
    Matthew 26:26-28 ....."For this is My blood of the new covenant, which is shed for many for the remission of sins.(NKJV)

    For the remission of sins means "for", it does not mean "because of".

    When Saul was told to arise and be baptized, and wash away his sins, calling on the name of the Lord; it was not because his sins had already been forgiven three days ago on the road to Damascus. Saul believed in the Lord three days prior to getting instructions from Ananias. (Acts 9:6-9)

    Acts 22:12-16......16 'And now why are you waiting " Arise and be baptized, and wash your sins away, calling on the name of the Lord.'(NKJV)

    In order to convince men that "for" of Acts 2:38 means "because of" you need a skilled professional and a willing student.

    There are only two choices when it comes to salvation. 1. Believe the Bible. 2. Believe man's interpretation of the Bible.

